Contact ASC Staff
Any of our Professional Tutors would be happy to help connect a student to the right academic support resources.
About the ASC: Info for Instructors
The Academic Success Center (ASC) is ready to assist you and your students in any way we can. If we don't have what you need, try the Library instead.
Use the drop-down menu to the left or go to our homepage to explore all services offered to students and to get even more details on some of the services below.
What can WE do for YOU? Instructor Services include:
ASC Orientations are designed to familiarize your students with the many FREE services offered by the ASC.
We typically reach out to instructors regarding orientations near the beginning of the semester and/or after Early Alerts.
Our orientation is different from the Library orientation.
Organize a day/time for an ASC staff member to visit your classroom (preferably the first or last 10 minutes of class).
If you are teaching an online course, we will happily send you a PowerPoint to share with your students through any means you see fit.
Perfect for online and face-to-face courses alike. If you can't organize a time for us to visit your class, simply play our video for your students!
While typically offered campus-wide, we can also host workshops specific to your class and class time.
Popular options include workshops on MLA or APA format, time-management, and more.
We are open to specific requests or suggestions. Click the icon above to learn about additional workshop topics.
If you know you will be out but don't want to cancel class, an ASC staff member can fill in for you. Our staff will not be a substitute (we won't follow your lesson plan and teach), but will instead utilize one of our presentations that ties in closely with something going on in your class (such as an in-class test review, a presentation on math anxiety, a workshop on summarizing main ideas, etc.).
The ASC likes to host test reviews outside of class time as well, especially for math courses. If you teach a course we are not qualified to review or you are uncomfortable letting us review with your students, we encourage you to host your own outside-of-class test reviews in connection with us.
Have a struggling student? Refer them to us using our Form to Request Academic Assistance and we'll reach out to them. We also reach out to students following Early Alerts.
Incorporate our resources into your classes! Popular options include weblinks and PowerPoints of study skills or subject-specific skills, MLA or APA help, or our tutoring options.
We maintain records of student visits. At any time, you may request a report regarding students specific to your classes. Popular reasons for wanting a report include offering extra credit to students who get tutoring and holding students accountable when they claim to have received tutoring.
Didn't see a Peer Tutor available for your specific class on the schedule? There may still be someone who can help your students. The Tutor Lab Manager tracks all classes taken by the Peer Tutors, but only advertises those with the highest demand. Contact the ASC Tutor Lab Manager to see if this is the case for your course.
What can YOU do for US? Tips on utilizing the ASC:
We try to be proactive in reaching out to students and instructors, but if you have a need, go ahead and reach out to us first!
If you encourage your students to utilize any service in particular, please understand what our expectations are (i.e. our appointment policies, online writing consultation terms and conditions, departmental guidelines, restrictions on the absent professor service, and so forth).
Our popularity is largely attributed to instructor participation, whether it be through requiring tutoring on a research paper, offering extra credit for attending a workshop, reminding students of our test reviews, or simply publicizing our department. You help your students keep the ASC in mind!
The Tutor Lab is constantly recruiting new peer tutors for current or future terms. If you have an outstanding student you would like to recommend, please contact the Tutor Lab Manager so that we can reach out to the potential peer tutor.
If you have an extra textbook or other class materials taking up space, we'd be happy to have it to share with students who come unprepared.
Before you throw out or recycle old paper, consider giving it to us to use as scratch paper (must be blank on at least one side and not contain confidential information).
Get approval and we will welcome you to spend a set number of hours in the Tutor Lab each week to help students in your subject area(s).
How can we further improve at the ASC?